Premium Exotic Resort for You, All for Relax!
「自然たっぷり気持ちいい南国リゾートのリラックスを普段の生活に」をテーマに、癒しの自然音シリーズ「GRANDE ROYAL」は誕生しました。
まったりカジュアルに自然の癒しを感じながら過ごすリラクゼーションタイム... プレミアムなヒーリングバカンスをあなたに
The GRANDE ROYAL is a series of albums that deliver relaxing nature soundscape. It was created based on the concept of “Bringing the soothing of tropical resorts to everyday life.” Sit back, chill, and listen to the relaxing sounds that makes you feel the healing power of the nature. Premium relaxation is here for you to enjoy in your private space.
It Takes Your Mind to Spiritual Places Around The World
神秘的でオラクルなネイチャーパワーを世界各地のサンクチュアリで多重的にフィールドレコーディングした「Mystic Power Spot」シリーズ。
A "Power Spot" is a spiritual place where a mystic force provides energy, healing, and good luck to a person who stands there. The Mystic Power Spot Series lets you feel such mystic forces from across the world while sitting at home. The delicate nature sounds were multitracked and condensed for higher healing power and enhanced realism which lest you feel as if you were "there".